[The Affection of the Classes is as Heavy as Mount Taishan (Sung in the Peking Opera "The Strange Attack on the White Tiger Troupe")] Song Sheet Simplification
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[The Hope of Day and Night (Peking Opera "The Tale of the Red Lanterns")] Song Sheet Music
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[Peking Opera: The Lovers Look at Each Other as if Enchanted - (Pansi Cave) Other Opera Scores]Song Sheet Music
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[Peking Opera Outstanding Singing Songs Selection Third Series 201-220] Song Sheet Short Music
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[Mei Lanfang Singing Anthology 141-160] Song Sheet Simplified Music
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[The Cock and the Dog - Peking Opera] Song Sheet Music Compendium
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[Learning Astronomy and the Art of War is Like Learning from the East] Song Sheet Music
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[Arranging a clever scheme to keep the camp door unlocked - Peking Opera] Song Sheet Music Simplified
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